One on One

Walking into the Truth

Walking into the Truth

We all need support

There is not anyone on the planet that doesn’t need support at various junctures in life as they are moving into new realms and dimensions.

If your Awakening process is both joyful and confusing, you are not alone. If you are experiencing conflict and doubt, welcome to the world of inner struggle in discovering your deepest wisdom and heart intelligence.

Living in Presence takes vigilance, commitment and courage to embody your highest potential and true fulfillment.

If you would like guidance that will help you:

• tune in more deeply to your innate wisdom

• release the chatter and monkey-mind looping

• step out of the stories that keep you prisoner

• live in the authentic nature of your True self

• and more…

Please contact Bhimiji for private one on one consultation.


One hour - $165

3 hr Pkg per month - $467

6 hr Pkg - $864

FREE initial consultation - 15 min

Bhimiji is a Oneness teacher that is dedicated to helping Humanity evolve.  She has been fortunate to spend time in the presence and service with some of the greatest Masters in the world. Grounded in Eastern wisdom philosophies and spiritual practices, living in India for 4 years and traveling there frequently since the mid 70's, she has deepened her living experience through meditation, devotion, inquiry and surrender.  Bhimiji is inspired and initiated by her now living Masters and has founded The Conscious Living School.