BUILDING COMMUNITY - Satsang + Meditation

The easiest way to stay connected and in the process of our evolving consciousness is to have a consistent gathering where we feel connected to like-minded people to share in our challenges and our AHAs. This forum will be focused on specific topics that come from you as to what is most important to lean into with spirited, interactive engaging discussions.

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Elephants have a strong sense of care, community, sensitivity, intelligence & communication. All of which are awesome qualities for building our community.

CONNECTING ONLINE - 2 Mondays a month

What is important is knowing you have a place of support, guidance and upliftment that comes from being involved in a dedicated ongoing consciousness community. Twice a month, the 2nd and 4th Mondays, we gather in the evening online.

Living a more Mindfulness and Awakened life takes courage, effort, fortitude, awareness, acceptance and grace. And when we connect together, the energies are stronger and help us to live more peacefully from contentment.

If you Desire:

√ to quiet the chattering, criticism and struggle of the Mind’s looping

√ to transcend the destructive power of stress

√ to release anger and negativity so you can act from your true self

√ to be fully present to experience life from your highest expression

√ to recognize the difference between the stories the Mind conceives and what actually happens

√ to learn a simple and effective process that will return you to yourself

√ to stay connected to the wisdom of your heart so happiness flows easily

√ to find the balance and live more peacefully, fulfilled and satisfied

Then participating in these online mindfulness programs is easy and available in the comfort of your home and timing.

After our lively discussion, we will enjoy either the Supreme Light of Supreme Love or Happiness Meditation. Please CLICK HERE for more info on the meditations. The CALENDAR section will have specific dates and times.